This pick up will res-pawn every thirty seconds indefinitely. In front of the table is an ammo pick up. There are three sets of stairs with a door behind two of the and one with a table across the top. When you finish the objective "Defeat Nasri's Guards" do not leave that room. On the level called "Intercept Nasri the Arms Dealer" there is an area that you can pick up unlimited ammo.

Get"assaulted" / Picki SIE as handler in final mission, Rep / 7 - Savage Love / -5% Fury, Roomsweep, Iron Will & hard to kill cooldown.Madison - Romance / +5 Endurance, +500 XP.Mina - Office Romance / +5 Endurance, +500 XP.No romances - No Time for love / +20 Endurance, 20% Endurance Recharge.Scarlet - Exclusive Interview / +5 Endurance, +500 XP.

Getting "close" with the various women unlocks special perks.